Classic Car Import Austria

NOVA, Customs & Taxes

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Classic cars enjoy more favorable import conditions than normal vehicles. However, not every old car is a classic car. There are certain criteria that the vehicle must meet. Whether your imported vehicle is classified as a classic car also affects the customs and import duties as well as the NOVA. In this article, we explain as simply as possible what you need to bear in mind.

1) What is considered a "classic car" in Austria?

So that the vehicle of the Tariff item 9705 and therefore corresponds to the Classic car" status" in Austria, it must:

Have been registered before 1955 or be at least 30 years old
Included in the list of historic motor vehicles by the Kuratoriumfür Verkehr,
innovation and technology.
Are in their original condition and correspond to condition 1 - 3.
(Good and original condition)
Subject to limited daily use (120 days per year)
and a logbook must be kept.

The List from the Board of Trustees is updated annually. If the submitted vehicle is not on the list, the advisory board made a recommendation. The simplest method is to contact the KHMOE to be included. On the KHMOE website ( for more information on the list and contact details.

Vintage car from behind, white, MINI. Imported
Photo: Vintage cars are becoming increasingly popular today

Difference between "classic car" and "old car"

The term "classic car" is also used for "historic vehicle" used.
The main Difference between a legally classified "historic motor vehicle" and a "normal old car" is merely the Assignment of the tariff item. To put it simply:

A vehicle that falls under tariff item 9075 is a "classic car"
A vehicle that falls under tariff item 8703 is a "normal vehicle"

Depending on which tariff item the vehicle falls into and whether it is imported from the EU or a third countrythe customs & import fee is regulated as well as the NOVA. You can find out exactly what you can expect and what you should bear in mind in the following chapters and in the Summary below.

Documents required for the registration of a classic car:

Purchase contract or invoice
Expert opinion ("Pickerl")
Type certificate (entry in the approval database upon import)
A limited payment of the standard consumption tax if required (NOVA2 form)
Confirmation from customs if car comes from a third country

2) Advantages of "classic car" status

The "classic car" status is so prestigious because it means that you Tax and insurance advantages can enjoy. The most relevant advantages are:

Importing classic cars is cheaper
The insurance premiums are cheaper compared to a normal vehicle. In most cases, there is no bonus/penalty system and the premium is not calculated according to engine power. The calculation is usually based on the value and age of the vehicle.
The §57a inspection (sticker) for historic vehicles only has to be carried out every two years. You will also receive a red sticker.
Often, certain laws from the year of production of the vehicle still apply today. For example, a catalytic converter does not have to be retrofitted if there were no laws for this in the year the car was built.
VW Golf 2 as an import classic car, built in 1989
The VW Golf 2 from 1989 has also recently been granted "classic car" status

3) NOVA classic car import (tariff item 9075)

For vehicles that fall under tariff item 9075, i.e. are recognized as "historic vehicles", no NOVA has to be paid! It does not matter whether the car was imported or purchased domestically.

4) NOVA for non-vintage car imports (tariff item 8703)

For vehicles that fall under tariff item 8703, i.e. are NOT recognized as "historic vehicles", you must pay the NOVA as normal.


You do not have to pay NOVA for cars with an EZ before 1992, as there was no standard consumption tax before 1992. However, the car must have been registered in the EU. Otherwise, the same regulations apply as for a vehicle imported from a third country.

You should also note that Cars getting older in the future to be able to avoid the NOVA. For 30-year-old cars (no classic car status), you will therefore have to pay the standard consumption tax as normal from 2022.
These cars then fall under the regulation for the time being "NOVA for vehicles with EZ 1992-2014".

For example in 2027, a normal car that falls under tariff item 8703 (not a classic car) will have to be at least 35 years old (registered before 1992) in order to be exempt from the NOVA.

NOVA for imports from third countries:

With a Non-vintage import (tariff item 8703) from a third country NOVA must be paid. It does not matter how old the vehicle is. The same procedure clearly applies here as for normal vehicles → The Formula from the current year is used.

The car therefore does not fall under the NOVA regulation depending on its year of manufacture (e.g. 1992), but under the regulation of today. As the tax is becoming increasingly expensive, importing a vehicle from a third country is usually not worthwhile.

5) Customs and import for classic cars (tariff item 9075)

Imports from an EU country are generally not subject to customs and import duties. It does not matter which tariff position the car falls into or how old it is.

Customs and import fee for imports from third countries:

With a "classic car" you must no duty pay. The However, the import fee is 13% of the vehicle value and must be paid at the customs office or the official cash desk.

6) Customs and import for non-vintage cars (tariff item 8703)

If you want to import your car from an EU country, the same applies as for historic vehicles. You do not have to pay any customs or import duties.

Customs and import fee for imports from third countries:

For imports from third countries you must Pay customs and import duty for the car.

The duty is 10 % of the vehicle value
The import fee is 20 % of the vehicle value + customs costs.

See the Calculation example for imports from a third country.

7) How loud can a classic car be in Austria?

A classic car may a maximum noise level of 89 dB(A) have.
Historic motor vehicles therefore enjoy a Grandfathering. In comparison: Normal vehicles today may have a maximum level between 72 dB(A) and 75 dB(A) have.

Imported vintage RENAULT 650E with the engine in the back of the trunk.
Engine of a RENAULT 650E (rear)

8) Summary

Tariff item 9075Tariff item 8703
[Import from EU]
[Import from third country]
No.Yes, 10%
[Import from EU]
[Import from third country]
Yes, 13%Yes, 20%
[Import from EU]
No.Yes, formula according to EZ of the car,
[Import from third country]
No.Yes, formula for current year
Overview for importing a classic car to Austria

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